Monday, February 24, 2014

Home Office Desk Build

Not only did I finish painting the chair rail this weekend, but the husband got started on our Double Desk.

 Until I finished the painting, everything was piled into the center of the room.

Yes, I actually worked for a week in that cramped up situation.

Following this plan from Ana White's web site, we picked up all of the wood for our new modular double desk and got to work!  This is birch, and roughly $50 per board.  Pricey, but we didn't need much.

I told him to let someone at Lowe's rip the boards for him, and he reallllllly shoulda listened... just sayin...

We don't have a big table/workbench for him to cut on, so of course we used 2x4s to prop the wood on the garage floor and went to work ripping the boards and cutting the back, sides, top, bottom, and shelves for each of the open shelf bases.

We'll have some great scrap from this project, and I have my eyes on it for some shelving to finish the laundry section of my pantry.

A lot of boards later, I actually left the build to take care of the kids and our dogs, one of whom is a young, untrained foster puppy that weighs over 100 pounds ... so I didn't get a lot of great pictures of the actual build!

There's one of them!  I had him make the bottom shelf about 15" tall so that I can fit a canvas tote in there that I've been stalking at Meijer...

And here's the second one, complete with un-level shelf that he needs to fix when we go to stain/paint the entire piece in a few weeks.

Oh, and that's a little white desk that I've been using for work and that goes with our daughter's canopy bed.  Oh, and 4 monitors that I acquired from my office shut-down this week.  Once you use multiple displays, you'll never want to go back, I'm telling you... my geekness is showing.

So that's it. That's all I've got for now.  The desk top is being built as I type, and then we'll be able to set up the computers, printer, and mount the TV on the wall with a swivel mount for use as both an additional computer monitor and an actual television.  The corner where the printer and a desktop computer currently sit will be the sewing machine corner, and the opposite corner will be where a big, luscious chair will sit once I find the absolute perfect one!

Husband wants to stain the desk, but I really want to paint it black.  It will match the color palette of the room if it's black, but not the sewing machine tables.  I guess he has a point, but I'm not going to make a decision for a few weeks.  Must consult Pinterest and outside counsel on this one, I think...

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