Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Simple Superhero Boys' Room

This is not going to be the most exciting post ever, but we did do some cute things with my son's room that are worth sharing.

His room was as actually not as filthy as the rest, and his carpet is the least frightening.  

We picked out this cute superhero comic book art from Meijer one night and knew that they should be the inspiration for our superhero-loving boy's bedroom.  The Avengers had just come out in theaters, and we had caught him up on all of the recent superhero movies so that he knew the characters and their stories.

I chose some paint colors that would match his superhero art but that would also allow us to redecorate someday if he changes his mind about superheroes.  I refuse to do anything in the kids' rooms that is too permanent and involves a character because they just change their mind too quickly!

Santa brought him some actual posters too, of The Avengers and all of the Marvel comic characters.  And yes, that is an Avengers bedding set that he got for his 5th birthday.

He could use a lot more shelving and toy storage, but we're holding off until we do a good clean-out of the toys first.  He's really into Legos now, so I'd rather get rid of older "baby" toys and get him a cool Lego table or something.

We still have one of the beds decorated in the former Sports theme. :o)  Oh well!  Sports and Superheroes go together, right?

Last, but not least, the closet also needed to be painted, and we had plenty of extra paint to do so.

I would like to get some curtains put up, replace his ceiling fan, get him a nightstand, that Lego table maybe, etc.  But for now, this is enough to make him like his room!

Now, if we can just get him to sleep in his own bed and play in his room rather than want to watch superhero movies on the downstairs TV all the time ......

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