Sunday, February 23, 2014

Sewing Room-- I mean, Home Office

A lot has changed since I originally started my Sewing Room project.

I picked out this yellow for the top half and kept the same gray as was used in the sewing closet.

Or should I say, the HOME OFFICE closet.  

I decided that putting my office in the basement was a horrible decision.  I thought it would be quiet and cozy, but it's actually cold, dark, and renders me completely unable to parent or otherwise be connected to the family if needed.  The basement is also where the teenagers and cats are most of the time, so...

So now the Sewing Room is actually going to be a Home Office.  One corner will be for sewing machines, another corner for a computer desk, and another corner will have a cozy chair and side table for lazy mornings/evenings of doing introverted things like reading, knitting, or watching DVR'd episodes Ellen and Sunday Morning.

Yep! I'm putting a 20-some" flatscreen in here as a computer monitor and television!  I bought a much bigger pre-owned one from my company because we're shutting down our office and becoming remote employees (largely because we already work from home most of the time anyway!), so we put that one in the basement for gaming, and I reclaimed the smaller one for this Home Office.

(some fabric patterns I'm stalking for curtains...)

We have added a chair rail to this room (obvi), and pictures of it will be in later posts about the upcoming Desk Build.  That's right, we're building a double desk!

I am going to be a good wife and share "my" space with the husband (and maybe the kids... Maybe).  Because he's in school, he also needs a quiet place to do homework, and he does bring administrative tasks home from work too sometimes, so it will be a His & Hers Home Office!

The inspiration for the new desk was found here on the amazing Ana White's blog.  We've reviewed the patterns and have made some adjustments to the length of the finished desk (my husband's a big guy!), and we're buying the materials TODAY!  Yippee!

More to come on this project and on the Master Closet, which we neglected for a little while but really need to finish.  It's been about 75% complete since before the holidays!

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